Code of Conduct
To play the game is great. To love the game is greater.
USA Hockey has published a set of core values and codes of conduct for parents, players, spectators and coaches that are reprinted here for our members' consideration. Saugus Lynnfield Youth Hockey embraces the concept of these core values and code of conduct for all members of the organization.
We have published a Saugus Lynnfield Youth Hockey Code of Conduct Policies and Procedures. You will find it immediately following the USA Hockey Code of Conduct.
USA Hockey Code of Conduct
The following core values of USA Hockey are adopted to guide the association's members in their planning, programming and play, both now and in the future.
- SPORTSMANSHIP - Foremost of all values is to learn a sense of fair play. Become humble in victory, gracious in defeat. We will foster friendship with teammates and opponents alike.
- RESPECT FOR THE INDIVIDUAL - Treat all others as you expect to be treated.
- INTEGRITY- We seek to foster honesty and fair play beyond mere strict interpretation of the rules and regulations of the game.
- PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE AT THE INDIVIDUAL, TEAM AND ORGANIZATIONAL LEVELS - Each member of the organization, whether player, volunteer or staff should seek to perform each aspect of the game to the highest level of his or her ability.
- ENJOYMENT- It is important for the hockey experience to be fun, satisfying and rewarding for all participants.
- LOYALTY- We aspire to teach loyalty to the ideals and fellow members of the sport of hockey.
- TEAMWORK- We value the strength of learning to work together. The use of teamwork is reinforced and rewarded by success in the hockey experience.
Reprinted from USA Hockey, Inc.'s Annual Guidebook
Players Code of Conduct
- I will respect my teammates and coaches and I will act appropriately during practice and games.
- I will not use alcohol, tobacco products or illegal substances at any team function or youth sporting event.
- I will do my best to be a true team player. I will encourage good team play.
- I will not swear or use abusive language on the bench, in the rink, or at any team function.
- I will control my temper because I understand that fighting or "mouthing off" can spoil the activity for everybody.
- I will not lash out at any official no matter what the call is. I understand the coaching staff will handle all matters pertaining to officiating.
- I will respect my opponents and their fans.
- I agree that there is no place for fighting, violent or overly aggressive play in hockey, where the obvious intent is to injure or harm another player.
Parents Code of Coduct
Hockey Parents Make The Difference
Keep in mind that, above all, the motivating factor for most children who enter an organized youth sports program is their desire to have fun. This is particularly true with young children, many of whom are newcomers to the youth sports scene. With a supportive attitude and a fundamental understanding of the "basics" of hockey, everyone will come away from their youth sports experience with a positive feeling.
In The Stands
Parents can take the fun out of hockey by continually yelling or screaming from the stands. Parents should enjoy the game and applaud good plays for both teams. The stands are not a place from which parents should try to personally coach their kids. Kids often mirror the actions of their parents; if they see mom or dad losing their cool in the stands, they'll probably do the same on the ice.
Car And Home
Some parents not only spoil the fun for their kids at the ice rink, but also in the car, believing this is the perfect place for instruction. Parents should try to keep things in perspective. There's more to life than hockey, and the car and home are not places to coach. Parents need to remember that they are not the coach, and the most difficult kind of parent is the one who coaches against the real coach. It's unfair to put children in a position of having to decide who to listen to - their parents or the coach.
At Practice
Parents have to remember that if a child wants to improve, they have to practice - not just play. Even if a child is not the "star" player for a team, practice stresses the importance of teamwork, establishing goals, discipline and learning to control your emotions, all of which are important lessons children can use both in and away from sports. Parents also need to stress fair play and risk management to help eliminate injuries.
Support Your Child
There are many benefits that are derived from playing youth hockey. Children learn good sportsmanship and self-discipline. They learn to work together, how to sacrifice for the good of the team, how to enjoy winning and how to handle defeat. In the process, they also learn important lessons about physical fitness and personal health. The degree to which your child benefits from their youth hockey experience is as much your responsibility as it is theirs. In order for your child to get the most out of a youth hockey program, It is important for you to show support and offer encouragement while maintaining a genuine interest in the team.
Always Be Positive
Parents serve as role models for their children, who often look to adults for advice, direction and approval. Never lose sight of the fact that you are a role model, and strive to be a positive role model. As a parent, one of the most important things you can do is show good sportsmanship at all times to coaches, referees, opponents and teammates. Remember that your children are PLAYING hockey. It is important to allow them to establish their own goals and play the game for themselves. Be careful to not to impose your own standards or objectives.
Let The Coach Coach
Recognize the importance of volunteer coaches. They are very important to the development of your child and the sport. Avoid placing an exaggerated emphasis on winning. A recent survey indicated 72% of children would rather play for a losing team than ride the bench for a winner. The most important aspect of your child's youth hockey experience is for them to have fun while developing physical and emotional skills that will serve them in life. A healthy, risk-free environment that emphasizes the importance of fair play, sportsmanship, discipline and, most importantly, fun will be invaluable for your child as they continue to develop a positive self image.
Spectators Code of Conduct
- Display good sportsmanship. Always respect players, coaches and officials.
- Act appropriately: do not taunt or disturb other fans; enjoy the game together.
- Cheer good plays of all participants; avoid booing opponents.
- Cheer in a positive manner and encourage fair play; profanity and objectionable cheers or gestures are offensive.
- Help provide a safe and fun environment; throwing any items on the ice surface can cause injury to players and officials.
- Do not lean over or pound on the glass; the glass surrounding the ice surface is part of the playing area.
- Support the referees and coaches by trusting their judgment and integrity.
- Be responsible for your own safety - be alert to prevent accidents from flying pucks and other avoidable situations.
- Respect locker rooms as private areas for players, coaches and officials.
- Be supportive after the game. Win or lose, recognize good effort, teamwork and sportsmanship.
Coaches Code of Conduct
- Winning is a consideration, but not the only one, nor the most important one. Care more about the child than the winning of the game. Remember players are involved in hockey for fun and enjoyment.
- Be a positive role model to your players, display emotional maturity and be alert to the physical safety of players.
- Be generous with your praise when it is deserved; be consistent, honest; be fair and just; do not criticize players publicly; learn to be a more effective communicator and coach, don’t yell at players.
- Adjust to personal needs and problems of players, be a good listener, never verbally or physically abuse a player or official; give all players the opportunity to improve their skills, gain confidence and develop self-esteem; teach them the basics.
- Organize practices that are fun and challenging for your players. Familiarize yourself with the rules, techniques and strategies of hockey; encourage all your players to be team players.
- Maintain an open line of communication with your players’ parents. Explain the goals and objectives of your association. Be concerned with the overall development of your players.
- Stress good health habits and clean living.
SLYH Code of Conduct Policies & Procedures
Saugus Lynnfield Youth Hockey prides itself on promoting sportsmanship between coaches, competitors, teammates and parents. Foul or abusive language, unsportsmanlike behavior or unwanted physical contact (misconduct) by anybody associated with our program, whether coaches, players, parents, or our fans will not be tolerated and will be addressed immediately.
If a coach has an issue with a player’s language, attitude or behavior, the coach should seek a meeting between the player and their parents before the next practice or game in order to resolve any issues. The coach should identify the problem as they see it and suggest what is acceptable resolution is for the player to remain on the team.
If more than two incidents occur, and parental involvement has been encountered, the coach can suspend or limit a player’s ice time from a game or practice. If the situation arises that a player is suspended, the Coaching Director or President shall be notified with a written explanation of the situation. The Coaching Director or President shall review the written explanation, speak to the involved parties and forward a copy of the coaches written explanation, along with their own recommendation to the Board of Directors, who may or may not choose further action.
If a parent has an issue with a coach, the parent should speak to the coach directly, in a non-hostile environment off the ice and away from other parents and players in order to explain their concerns. If the parent is not satisfied with any action or non-action taken, a written explanation of the problem should be directed to the Coaching Director or President. The Coaching Director or President shall review the written explanation, speak to the involved parties and forward a copy of the parents written explanation, along with their own recommendation to the Board of Directors, who may or may not choose further action.
If a coach has an issue with a parent, the coach should speak to the parent directly, in a non-hostile environment off the ice and away from other parents and players in order to explain their concerns. If the coach is not satisfied with any action or non-action taken, a written explanation of the problem should be directed to the Coaching Director or President. The Coaching Director or President shall review the written explanation, speak to the involved parties and forward a copy of the coaches written explanation, along with their own recommendation to the Board of Directors, who may or may not choose further action.
If a problem arises involving a coach or parent that requires Board action, and that individual is a current SLYH Board member, they will be excused from participating as a Board member on discussions pertaining to that matter.