SLYH Alternate Player Policy

The use of Alternate Players will be evaluated by the Board of Directors (BOD) on an annual basis. When authorized by the BOD, alternate players will be allowed to play on the Saugus Lynnfield Youth Hockey (SLYH) Squirt, Pee Wee or Bantam teams under the following conditions:

  1. Requests for alternate player status must be submitted by a parent or guardian using the SLYH registration process.
  2. Each team may only have a maximum of three (3) alternate players on the roster, exclusive of goalies. Each team shall be comprised of a maximum roster of 15 skaters & 2 goalies.
  3. Players who request alternate status must have tried out during the annual Spring placement tryout to be eligible for participation as an alternate for the following winter season, unless otherwise approved by the BOD.
  4. Alternate determinations shall be approved only after the completion of all Spring placement evaluations and roster decisions.
  5. Alternate players must be registered full-time with another program unless otherwise approved by the BOD.
  6. Players whose registration request is approved will be added to the Team roster and will be offered the following consideration:
  7. Alternate players will commit to paying approximately 50% of the Team’s prescribed dues for the season and payment will follow the same terms and conditions of full-time players.
  8. Alternate players will be eligible to attend one of the Team’s scheduled practices per week, and invited to participate in games at the Coach’s discretion with the restrictions set forth below:
  9. Alternate players must attend a team practice within 7-days prior to playing in a game.
  10. Alternate players are permitted to play in all tournaments and playoffs if eligible under tournament and league by-laws.
  11. Alternate players are permitted to play in up to 50% of games. Deviations to this requirement must be approved by the Level Director.
  12. An Alternate player that wishes to play full-time, may do so at any time during the season provided there is room on the roster and the request is submitted prior to the roster deadline.
  13. If an alternate player moves to full-time status, roster adjustments may be considered per Rule 2.
  14. Alternate players that are approved to move to full-time status will be billed for the full dues.
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